
▪ April 17, 2018 confirmed as date of the Annual General Meeting
▪ All current members of the Board of Directors are standing for re‐election
▪ Board of Directors rejects proposals by Schenker‐Winkler Holding AG to elect Jacques Bischoff to the Board of Directors and as Chairman of the Board of Directors
▪ Board of Directors supports proposal of Cascade Investment/Bill & Melinda GatesFoundation Trust/Fidelity Worldwide Investment/Threadneedle Investments regarding extension of term of office of Special Experts and increase of advance payment
▪ Board of Directors rejects proposal of Schenker‐Winkler Holding AG regarding conduct of Special Audit

The Board of Directors of Sika AG has confirmed April 17, 2018 as the date of the 2018 Annual General Meeting and responds to the submitted shareholders' proposals as follows:


All current members of the Board of Directors, Paul Hälg (Chairman), Urs F. Burkard, Frits van Dijk, Willi K. Leimer, Monika Ribar, Daniel J. Sauter, Ulrich W. Suter, Jürgen Tinggren, and Christoph Tobler, are standing for re‐election.

Schenker‐Winkler Holding AG (SWH) proposes that Jacques Bischoff be elected to the Board of Directors of Sika AG as a further representative for SWH and as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Sika AG. The Board of Directors recommends by a majority that SWH's proposals be rejected


The shareholder group comprising Cascade Investment, L.L.C., Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust, Fidelity Worldwide Investment and Threadneedle Investments proposes that the term of office of the Special Experts be extended until the 2022 and that the advance payment to meet the expenses of the Special Expert Committtee be increased to CHF 5 million. The Board of Directors supports this proposal by a majority.


SWH proposes that a special audit be conducted on various questions relating to Monika Ribar's position on the board of directors of Capoinvest Ltd. and to the benefits paid to the members of the Board of Directors in 2015‐2017. The Board of Directors recommends by a majority that this proposal be rejected.


The complete agenda containing the Board of Directors' proposals on all items will be sent to holders of registered shares and will be published in the Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce as well as on the website of Sika AG on March 20, 2018.

The Annual General Meeting will take place at the Waldmannhalle in Baar. Start: 1.00 p.m., doors open: 12.00 p.m. (noon).