Sika reports all transactions of Sika shares and options made by the members of the Group Management and of the Board of Directors to the SIX Swiss Exchange. 

The disclosure of management transactions is one activity to secure transparency towards investors. It gives additional qualitative insight with regard to investment decisions. 

Information on management transactions can be found on the SIX Exchange website.


Governance of Management Transactions and Insider Trading

Sika has internal guidelines that govern insider trading and management transactions. These guidelines outline what constitutes insider trading, define the term confidential information, and detail who is an insider. Additionally, the guidelines specify no-trade periods and who as well as how, what, and when to report management transactions.

Conflicts of interest are described in the Code of Conduct and must be avoided at all times. Insider trading is specifically mentioned in para. 6.


Related Parties

There were no related party transactions involving Board or Group Management members in the business year 2024.