Sika Shares

Sika AG's shares are listed on SIX Swiss Exchange, Zurich.

ISIN Code:CH0418792922
Thomson Reuters:SIKA.S
Bloomberg:SIKA VX
Nominal Value:CHF 0.01
Number of shares:160,479,293 

All shares are registered shares. Each share represents one vote at the General Meeting. The purchase of Sika registered shares is open to all legal persons and individuals. Nominees, i.e. shareholders who acquire shares in their own name but on the account of third parties, are registered as shareholders without voting rights.

Significant shareholdings reported to the Disclosure Office of SIX Swiss Exchange can be found on the website of SIX Swiss Exchange.

Market Capitalization as at December 31 (CHF mn)17,66625,782.9034,282.6954,385.7034,083.0643,923.1834,631.43
Earnings per Share (EPS) (CHF)*4.695.30
Gross Dividend (CHF)2.052.302.502.903.203.303.60
Total Dividend/Repayment of Nominal Value Amount (CHF mn)290.6326.1354.5
Payout Ratio (%)4343434342.349.946.3
Treasury Shares90,730

*Basic EPS (undiluted)

Share capital development


According to the commercial register entry, the issued share capital as of December 31, 2023, totaled CHF 1,604,792.93 and was divided into 160,479,293 fully paid-in registered shares, with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each.

In addition, as of December 31, 2023, there is conditional share capital (within the capital band) of 7,686,752 fully paid-up registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each, representing a maximum nominal value of CHF 76,867.52, which was introduced at the Annual General Meeting on March 28, 2023, and like the capital band is limited in time until March 28, 2028. As of December 31, 2023, there is no further conditional share capital, as the former provision in the Articles of Association on conditional share capital (outside the capital band) was deleted on December 7, 2023, due to the expiry of conversion and option rights. 

As of December 31, 2023, there were no convertible bonds outstanding. Sika AG had a convertible bond (issued in May 2018) listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange (security no.: 41399024, ISIN: CH0413990240, ticker: SIK185) with an original nominal amount of CHF 1,650,000,000. This convertible bond was, however, redeemed by Sika AG following the exercise of its early redemption option on September 25, 2023. 

In 2023, in connection with the conversion by bondholders of their convertible bonds (security no.: 41399024, ISIN: CH0413990240, ticker: SIK185), 6,744,242 of new fully paid-in registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each were issued from the conditional share capital (outside the capital band).


At the Extraordinary General Meeting on January 25, 2022, the conditional capital was increased by CHF 32,000.00, corresponding to 3,200,000 registered shares with a par value of CHF 0.01 each. The mandatory convertible note issued in January 2019 was fully converted into 9,940,645 new shares as of January 30, 2022, using the available conditional share capital. In addition, in January 2022, part of the other convertible bond was converted early from conditional capital into 141,618 new shares. Therefore, the share capital issued as of January 31, 2022, amounted to CHF 1,531,272.30, divided into 153,127,230 fully paid-in registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each. As of January 31, 2022, the conditional capital amounted to CHF 74,432.50, divided into 7,443,250 fully paid-in registered shares at a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each, representing 4.9% of the share capital issued as of January 31, 2022.

According to the commercial register entry, the issued share capital as of December 31, 2022 totaled CHF 1,531,272.30 and was divided into 153,127,230 fully paid-in registered shares, with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each. Taking into account the new shares that were issued as of December 31, 2022 from conditional capital due to partial conversion of the convertible bond, the share capital issued as of December 31, 2022 amounted to CHF 1,537,350.51, divided into 153,735,051 fully paid-in registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each. 

In addition, there is a conditional share capital of CHF 68,354.29 as of December 31, 2022, unrestricted in time, divided into 6,835,429 fully paid-in registered shares with a nominal value of CHF 0.01 each, which represents 4.5% of the share capital issued as of December 31, 2022. These shares are reserved for the exercise of option or conversion rights. The shareholders’ subscription rights are excluded.


Share split (bearer shares 60:1, registered shares 10:1) and introduction of a single share category with unitary registered shares. Capital reduction of CHF 106,295.20 leading to a share capital of CHF 1,417.811.60.


Repayment of nominal value resulting in a share capital reduction of CHF 21.3 million to CHF 1,524,106.80.   


Repayment of nominal value resulting in a share capital reduction of CHF 48.8 million to CHF 22,861,602.   


Repayment of nominal value resulting in a share capital reduction of CHF 42.7 million to CHF 71,633,019.60.


Repayment of nominal value resulting in a share capital reduction of CHF 38.1 million to CHF 114,308,010.

Significant shareholders

Sika has received notification of three significant shareholders whose voting rights reached at least 3%:

BlackRock Inc., New York, USA
7.7% of all voting rights

UBS Fund Management (Switzerland AG)       
5.649% of all voting rights

The Capital Group Companies, Los Angeles, USA
4.976% of all voting rights via Capital Research and Management Company, Capital Bank and Trust Company, Capital InternationalLimited, Capital International, Inc., and Capital International Sarl

Significant shareholdings reported to the disclosure office of SIX Swiss Exchange can be found on the website of SIX Swiss Exchange. There are no cross-shareholdings exceeding 3%, either in terms of capital or votes.

Geographical split total investor base

As a company with a strong global presence, Sika attracts a geographically diversified investor base. While all three significant shareholders are based in the USA, overall European investors make up the largest geographical segment of Sika's investor base.

Geographical split of the total investor base