
All the Board of Directors' proposals were accepted by shareholders at the 46th Annual General Meeting of Sika AG on April 15, 2014.

At the Annual General Meeting of Sika AG held on April 15 in Cham, shareholders approved the annual report, the annual financial statements and the consolidated financial statements for the 2013 financial year.

Furthermore, shareholders accepted the proposal of the Board of Directors to pay out a 12% higher gross dividend than in the previous year, namely, CHF 57.00 per bearer share (previous year: CHF 51.00) and CHF 9.50 per registered share (previous year: CHF 8.50) for business year 2013. This proposal is an expression of Sika's consistent dividend payout policy and follows the Group’s positive profit development. The ex-dividend and payment dates are April 17 and April 24, 2014, respectively.

The Annual General Meeting approved the proposed revision of the articles of association.

The eight current members of the Board were re-elected. Furthermore, Jürgen Tinggren was newly elected to the Board of Directors. He was CEO of the Schindler Group until end-2013 and was elected to the Board of Directors of Schindler Holding AG in March this year. Frits van Dijk, Urs F. Burkard and Daniel J. Sauter were elected to the Nomination and Compensation Committee.

In its consultative vote, the Annual General Meeting approved the 2013 Compensation Report.

All the other proposals made by the Board of Directors were also approved.