Sika recently unveiled its new Strategy 2028 – “Beyond the Expected” in front of 200 Sika investors and analysts at the 2023 Sika Capital Markets Day on October 3 in Zurich. The new strategy builds on Sika’s successful growth model.

“Sika is perfectly positioned to benefit from megatrends, namely increasing world population, urbanization, resource scarcity, and digitalization. We are confident that we will be able to achieve and even exceed our targets,” said CEO Thomas Hasler.

Sika has set itself ambitious financial targets. Most notably, the annual growth rate will be lifted to 6-9% in local currencies and the profitability target will increase to an EBITDA margin of 20-23%. The higher profitability will mainly be achieved by creating growth leverage, enhancing operational efficiency, and improving material margins.

Thomas Hasler
"Beyond the Expected – that’s what Sika stands for both now and in the future. We have a proven track record of delivering outstanding performance and additional value for all our stakeholders. With our new Strategy 2028 we are perfectly positioned to continue on our successful path of sustainable profitable growth. Our ambitions for the coming years build upon our strength – our deeply rooted values, our performance-oriented culture, and in particular the dedicated Sika teams around the globe. With this new strategy we want to inspire and motivate our people to help drive the transformation towards a more sustainable future, for the benefit of our customers and generations to come." Thomas Hasler, Chief Executive Officer

In the new strategy, sustainability is an integral part and a major cornerstone. Sika’s aim is to reduce absolute scope 1 and 2 emissions – own greenhouse gas emissions – by 20% by 2028 compared to 2022. Sika is working towards decreasing emissions through its value chain – scope 3 – in line with its net-zero pledge by 2050.

Moreover, the company is committed to saving natural resources and reducing waste volumes disposed and water discharged per ton sold by 15% by 2028 compared to 2022. Ultimately, it’s the people that will help drive the transformation towards a more sustainable future, which both customers and future generations will benefit from.

Sika is proud of its culture and of the strong Sika Spirit which is embodied by all employees across the globe. Sika considers its employees as its most valuable asset and therefore wants to maintain the exceptional employee engagement rate of above 80% in the years to come. It is the employees that drive the strategy within the organization.

Sina Capital Markets Day 2023 in Zürich. 3. Oktober 2023. Photo: Michael Calabrò

Sika's Strategy 2028


annual growth in LC



(once MBCC synergies materialized)


Operating free cash flow

(as a % of NS)



(once MBCC synergies materialized)


GHG emission reduction

Scope 1 & 2
(absolute reduction vs. 2022 base line)

Scope 3
reduction in line with net-zero pledge


Employee engagement rate

external survey every 2nd year


Natural resources

reduction of waste disposed and water discharge per ton sold

Sika presentation
Image: Former MBCC manager André Burghardt, presenting on the latest MBCC technologies and innovations during the break out sessions at Capital Markets Day