Flooring Industrial Flooring Sustainability

There is a clear reason to switch to pouch packaging due to waste disposal and cost saving reasons in almost all industries. Compared to rigid bottles which remain in a 3D shape after the product has been used, pouches can be easily flattened into a 2D shape. Lighter, space-friendly, flexible shape, less material to produce - there is a list of advantages to convince producers like Sika to go for it.

Sika® Ucrete® - Old vs. New Packaging

Photo of Sika Ucrete in bottle packaging (new design)
Old Bottle Packaging
Photo of Sika Ucrete in pouch packaging (new design)
New Pouch Packaging

A Change for the Better

Challenges Posed by Construction Waste


We surveyed our customers on current packaging solutions and discovered:

With the cost of contaminated waste increasing significantly each year, reducing it wherever possible is crucial.

  • The current Sika® Ucrete® bottles present a high-volume, waste problem which complicates site storage and management. 
  • Although the bottles we currently use can be emptied quickly, splashing can be a resulting issue. 
  • While the color coding helps, it is not always easy to identify which component is which on site.  
  • The cardboard boxes the bottles are delivered in cannot be recycled because the empty bottles are packed back into them for storage and transport.
  • Moving and organizing empty bottle pallets at sites and warehouses is time-consuming.  
Interior of a warehouse showing the upset owner and a worker next to a large stack of empty packaging

Why Flexible, Recyclable Packaging Is the Future

Interior of a warehouse showing the happy owner and a worker next to a small stack of empty packaging


Recyclable films and pouches are becoming more mainstream. More and more packaging from top manufacturers such as Nestlé, Persil, Coca-Cola are much more conscious about consumers’ needs, and others have committed to using 100% recyclable, reusable, or compostable packaging.

Not only is this type of packaging more convenient for transportation and storage, but it also reduces waste and meets increasing consumer demand for more sustainable and recyclable options.

Changing our Sika® Ucrete® packaging from bottles to pouches provides proven benefits towards less waste and more savings.

Benefit: Less Waste, More Savings

Icon for website less wastage picto
Pouches are self-compacting and therefore much more efficient for waste storage and management
Icon for website water splash picto
Pouches empty quicker than bottles, with significant reduction in splashing
Icon for website simple labelling picto
Clearer and more visible labels

Significant Waste Savings

Waste Savings in Weight1

for large pouches
for small pouches

Waste Savings in Volume2

for large pouches
for small pouches

1Based on produced and labeled packaging from Redditch, excluding chemical waste

2Based on repacking pouches (45 large and 35 small) into supplied 36 and 72 box pallet vs. fixed (192 large and 400 small) bottle existing pallet

Saving Volume in Product Deliveries

Less Energy, Less CO₂, More Savings

Infographic comparing pouch vs. bottle packaging in pallets and delivery trucks
Due to smaller product volume, the amount of deliveries can be reduced.
  • Reduced warehouse space for packaging storage
  • Improved onsite manual handling due to improved automation
  • Improved production efficiency due to increased filling rate - up to 80% increase
  • The increased plant capacity supports targeted EU and global growth

The New Sika® Ucrete® Go Pouch

A Win for the Environment

The Pouches

  • The pouches are made from a four-ply laminate which includes an aluminum layer.
  • The aluminum enhances durability and can be recovered during pouch disposal.  
Photo of Sika Ucrete in pouch packaging (new design)
Photo of Sika Ucrete in pouch packaging (new design)

The Carton Box Where Pouches are Placed

  • The boxes are FSC labeled recyclable.
  • Tape is not required, further reducing plastic and making them easier to collapse.
  • The product type is printed on the black panel.
Photo of Sika Ucrete in box packaging (new design)
Photo of Sika Ucrete in box packaging (new design)

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