Waterproofing Injection Below-Grade Waterproofing Engineer

Leaks in concrete, masonry and natural stone structures can often be securely sealed and waterproofed by injection. However, to make leaking structures watertight for the long term, it’s essential to select the right injection material. On the basis of our extensive technical and practical experience, we have prepared a guide which will help you choose the optimal injection solution for your project requirements.

Injection for waterproofing leaking cracks 3d rendering
Injection for waterproofing leaking expansion joint 3d rendering
Injection for waterproofing leaking sheet membrane 3d rendering
Injection for waterproofing leaking walls and kicker areas 3d rendering

Leaking Cracks / Penetrations Dry and / or Containing Water

Waterproofing cracks and around penetrations of width > 0.2 mm with hydrostatic pressureFast and stable foaming and expansion, for temporary sealing, plus very low viscosity and long-term flexibility for permanent sealing and waterproofing.
  • Sika® Injection-101 RC (for temporary sealing) followed by:
    Sika® Injection-201 CE (for permanent flexible sealing)
    Sika® Injection-107 (for permanent flexible sealing)
Waterproofing cracks and around penetrations of width > 0.2 mm without hydrostatic pressure (dry, damp or wet surfaces)Very low viscosity and long-term flexibility for permanent sealing.
  • Sika® Injection-201 CE /-107 (for permanent flexible sealing)
Force transfer across dry cracks ofwidth > 0.3 mmLow viscosity, rigid, excellent adhesion and full bond to the crack substrate surfaces for structural bonding.
  • Sikadur®-52
Force transfer across dry cracks of width > 0.1 mmVery low viscosity, rigid, excellent adhesion and full bond to the crack substrate surfaces for structural bonding.
  • Sika® Injection-458

Leaking Expansion Joints (movement) and Construction / Daywork Joints (non-moving)

Waterproofing construction joints with and without hydrostatic
Fast and stable foaming and expansion for temporary sealing, plus very low viscosity and long-term flexibility for permanent sealing and waterproofing.
  • Sika® Injection-101 RC (optional for temporary sealing in case of hydrostatic pressure) followed by:
    Sika® Injection-201 CE (for permanent flexible sealing)
    Sika® Injection-107 (permanent flexible sealing)
Waterproofing joints where the original joint sealing / waterproofing system is damaged or was not properly installed

Pre-installed SikaFuko® injection hose system in construction joints or as a back-up system on waterbars:
Very low viscosity, long term flexibility, long pot-life for optimum penetration, re-injectable for permanent sealing

  • Sika® Injection-307 (for permanent flexible sealing in steel concrete)
  • Sika® Injection-310 (for permanent flexible sealing)
  • Sika® InjectoCem®-190 (for use in dry areas only)
Damaged expansion sections of waterbars:
Low viscosity, long term high flexibility, with adjustable reaction times for permanent sealing.
  • Sika® Injection-307 (for permanent flexible sealing) in steel concrete
  • Sika® Injection-304 (for permanent flexible sealing)

Leaking Membrane Compartment Systems

Waterproofing damaged and leaking sheet membrane compartment systemsLow viscosity, tough-elastic, very easy to use, re-injectable for permanent sealing
  • Sika® Injection-310 (for permanent flexible sealing)

Leaking Wall / Kicker Areas

Grid injection
(into the surface for lager areas e.g. Honeycombing or poor concrete compaction etc.)
Low viscosity, void filling, rigid material for load transfer in both (dry and damp areas)
  • Sika® InjectoCem®-190 (dry area) / (optional, patch repairs with Sikadur®-31 CF)
Very low viscosity, flexible, designed for permanent sealing (in wet areas)
  • Sika® Injection-307 /-304 / (optional, patch repairs with Sikadur®-31 CF)
  • Sika® Injection-201 CE /-107 / (optional, patch repairs with Sikadur®-31 CF)
Curtain injection
(e.g. behind the structure or element to seal leaks due to multiple tie bar holes or other multiple minor defects / leaks)
Extremely low viscosity, highly flexible, adjustable reaction time, designed for permanent sealing
  • Sika® Injection-304
Portrait of Matthias Ohnesorge

Matthias Ohnesorge
Corporate Product Engineer
Target Market Waterproofing
Sika Services AG