In September 2022, the team Central Research & Analytics engaged in a volunteering activity in the domain of habitat management. 36 individuals spent a day out in the “Jurapark Aargau” located in the Swiss Jura mountain range approx. 50 kms west of Zurich. This area is one among the most species-rich habitats in Switzerland.

Sika staff volunteering in the Swiss Mountains

Sika cooperates with the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) in the domain of community engagement.

The team Central Research & Analytics supported a farmer to put into place his plan to transform a wild field into a dry meadow by clearing the ground of the many stones so that the flowers sown next year can grow. Physically, the work was demanding, but at the same time very satisfying because you could see the results. 

Extensive agriculture is necessary to maintain the sensitive ecological balance. Because dry meadows in less productive areas are rarely cultivated, these sites are increasingly in danger of becoming overgrown. This leads to the loss of their valuable biodiversity. The support of the Sika team helped to build and maintain dry meadows and to enhance important habitats for endangered plant and animal species and thus to make an important contribution to the preservation of valuable natural and cultural landscape.

The farmer explained details of the everyday life in agriculture and in the Jurapark. All Sika guys were extremely committed and motivated, which earned the team a great praise from the hosts and the organizer, the Swiss section of the WWF. At noon a calf was born to the farmer. The team had the possibility to baptize the newly born: The name "Lusika" prevailed, with first letter “L” deriving from the name of the mother animal.

Further Sika teams will volunteer in the Jurapark Aargau and continue the cooperation with the WWF in Switzerland.

"The day spent with the farmer and the WWF has been a great experience. The activity helped us to get into nature, work as a team in a different way, and to focus on the amazing natural heritage we are surrounded by. " Urs Burckhardt, Head of Central Research & Analytics