The holistic water management concept of Sika Colombia and its successful implementation have been selected as Energy Globe Winner 2022 in Colombia. On November 9, 2022, the award ceremony took place in Bogotá, Colombia.
Sika Receives Important Award for Sustainability Worldwide
Sika has won the Energy Globe Award 2022. On November 9, 2022, the award ceremony took place in Bogotá, Colombia. Sika Colombia is an example of a Sika subsidiary which follows a circular economy development model that generates profitability through the efficient management of natural resources. Sika aims to create value for its stakeholders and to cause less negative impact for the environment. In this context, the circular economy approach of Sika Colombia has been optimized for many years as it permeates the entire organization and focuses on comprehensive water management, solid waste management and energy management.
The Energy Globe Award is an environmental prize of the Energy Globe Foundation based in Austria. It recognizes projects that focus on energy efficiency, sustainability and the use of renewable energy. The foundation's goal is to highlight solutions to environmental problems. By publishing innovative environmental projects, these can also be implemented in other countries. In 2022, more than 2.500 projects aimed at protecting our environment have been submitted to the ENERGY GLOBE AWARD.